“三江大講堂”大師報告系列-Jerry Workman院士報告(7月14日)


報告題目:Protein complexes that modify chromatin for transcriptional regulation



主持人:林承棋,羅卓娟 教授

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Jerry Workman


HHMI investigator,Stowers Institute,USA

Prof. Jerry L. Workman is the member of the American Academy of Arts. He is a Senior Investigator at the Stowers Institute, USA. Dr. Workman is a pioneering scientist and made significant contributions in the field of gene expression research by uncovering the pivotal role of histones in both DNA packaging into chromatin and the regulation of gene expression. His seminal work involved the identification of diverse histone- modifying enzyme complexes, which has since been regarded as a landmark discovery in the realm of gene expression studies. Jerry L. Workman's invaluable findings have greatly enhanced our understanding of the intricate mechanisms governing gene regulation. He received the  Maximizing Investigator’Research Award 2018 from National Institute of General Medical Sciences.

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